hydra client’s fixed issue

Sandeep Chauhan
2 min readJul 27, 2018


Hello there!

So, today we’ll discuss how was the GSoC work for me after second phase evaluation until now. And as you know I am a GSoC student under Python Hydra. During this period, I have learned a lot things. It was also the time of opening of the colleges. So, I also learned that how we can manage time for all these personal and professional things. And I have also fixed many issues of agent. The work has done during this period is described below:

  1. Fix issue Execute “AND” and “OR” combine query : For this issue we have discussed many things. Actually, for this we have to use both Redis set operations sinter and sunion . So, first we discussed to use sunionstore and sintersore and we also discussed about multi for store operations as non-executable queries. And finally, we got a simple way. In which, we are breaking the queries on the basis of brackets and executes them partially and store their results and after all it gives the desired result. It has fixed here. And for its documentation you can take a look at here.
  2. Fix issue Remove duplicate data : For this issue we have a long discussion. And First we are trying to use some transaction commands like multi , exec and watch. And we have also discussed to use NX with commands. Actually, first we were trying to save only the data that is not already present in Redis. But when I tried to do that then it seems so difficult because we are using redisgraph. I have also tried to update the client.py of redisgraph.py but I was unable to solve the issue. But after all, I got a idea that if we can not control on saving data in Redis but we can remove the duplicate data immediately. And yeah, it works fine. It has fixed here. I have also break it into parts as you can see it here.
  3. Make Dockerfile for automate the agent: Now, we have a Dockerfile and a docker-compose file for running the whole agent also with Redis server. It has fixed here and here.

There are also some small issues of agent which has fixed during this period like: error handle for incorrect query and url, remove hydra-py code and update Readme and update redis_setup file.

And the main thing, we are also working for a demo during this period. We are using Ontology’s Subsystems for demo work. Me and Vaibhav both are working on demo. And we have discussed how we should proceed and how should be demo work. We are working here for demo.

So,We’ll be meet here soon with demo. And then we will discuss about demo.


Sandeep Chauhan



Sandeep Chauhan
Sandeep Chauhan

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